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  • Writer's pictureMinister Serita Acker


Matthew 6:14-15

"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

In this life, we will always have someone to forgive. Why? We live in a world of the saved and the unsaved, the spiritual mature and spiritual immature! You may not have to forgive for major offenses (rape, murder, theft, betrayal, abuse, lying), but you will always have to forgive someone. We even have to repent daily to God for our sins. We have to tell God, "I am sorry, for the wrong I have done." Psalms 86:3 Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

Then, we have to forgive ourselves. We cannot live in condemnation, and once we have confessed our sin, God is faithful and will forgive us. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The enemy will use anyone he finds to hurt you. Be ready to free yourself from his traps by forgiving others. Ask yourself, "Have I ever hurt someone before? Would I like them to forgive me?" We all have hurt others and been hurt!

Today is a good day to give someone a pardon. I don’t care how bad it was, just make up in your mind to forgive and mean it from your heart. When I think about how many times I have disobeyed God and he has forgiven me it, I can only conclude who am I to not forgive anyone. God says in his word, if we would like his continual forgiveness, then we must forgive others. God sent his son, when we were yet a sinner. He sent his son to help us have a better life! I know many of us have faced betrayal, physical abuse, and mental abuse. Many people have done us wrong. We all have hurt and been hurt. In my own personal life, I have faced betrayal, rape, lying, gossip, verbal abuse, and so much more. Over the years, I have learned to let it go, and move on. I made a solid decision to forgive! I feel very good about it and I feel even better about not pleasing them enemy by being sad and walking in bitterness. In the end, we will all be judged for the good and bad deeds we do. God sees and will give us justice if we obey him.

Some may say it's not that easy to forgive. Yes it is! Christ did the hard part. He died for something he really did not do!

Forgive someone today! Release them! They may not deserve it, but just do it for God to get the Glory!

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